• €110,00
    Prix unitaire par 
Taxes incluses.

Box contenant : 

1 AUTO et 1 booster de 3 cartes. 

Possibilité de numérotée(s)

Plus d'infos : 

  • Base Refractor - #/199 (1:3 boxes)
  • Purple Refractor - #/125 (1:4 boxes)
  • Green Refractor - #/99 (1:5 boxes)
  • Blue Refractor - #/75 (1:7 boxes)
  • Gold Refractor - #/50 (1:10 boxes)
  • Orange Refractor - #/25 (1:20 boxes)
  • Magenta Refractor - #/10 (1:49 boxes)
  • Red Refractor - #/5 (1:97 boxes)
  • SuperFractor - 1/1 (1:475 boxes)

Base Set Checklist

100 cards.
REFRACTOR PARALLELS: Base Refractor #/199 (1:3), Purple #/125 (1:4), Green #/99 (1:5), Blue #/75 (1:7), Gold #/50 (1:10), Orange #/25 (1:20), Magenta #/10 (1:49), Red #/5 (1:97), SuperFractor 1/1 (1:475).

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi - Return of Jedi
2 Jar Jar Binks - Attack of the Clones
3 Maz Kanata - The Force Awakens
4 Baze Malbus - Rogue One
5 BB-8 - The Rise Of Skywalker
6 Bossk - The Empire Strikes Back
7 Gor Koresh - The Mandalorian
8 Lando Calrissian - The Empire Strikes Back
9 Dexter Jettster - Attack of the Clones
10 Rey - The Last Jedi
11 Beru Lars - A New Hope
12 Q9-0 - The Mandalorian
13 Bix Caleen - Andor
14 Admiral Piett - Return of the Jedi
15 Admiral Ackbar - The Last Jedi
16 Bib Fortuna - Return of the Jedi
17 Qui-Gon Jinn - The Phantom Menace
18 Major Bren Derlin - The Empire Strikes Back
19 L3-37 - Solo
20 Kylo Ren - The Last Jedi
21 Garven Dreis - A New Hope
22 Moff Gideon - The Mandalorian
23 Wedge Antilles - The Empire Strikes Back
24 EV-9D9 - Return of the Jedi
25 Darth Vader - Return of the Jedi
26 Figrin D'an - A New Hope
27 General Veers - The Empire Strikes Back
28 Shmi Skywalker - The Phantom Menace
29 Maul - Solo
30 Owen Lars - A New Hope
31 The Grand Inquisitor - Obi-Wan Kenobi
32 Migs Mayfeld - The Mandalorian
33 Watto - The Phantom Menace
34 Mace Windu - Attack Of The Clones
35 Captain Phasma - The Force Awakens
36 Zam Wesell - Attack of the Clones
37 Doctor Cornelius Evazan - A New Hope
38 Wuher - A New Hope
39 Grogu - The Book of Boba Fett
40 Finn - The Last Jedi
41 Zett Jukassa - Revenge of the Sith
42 Zorii Bliss - The Rise of Skywalker
43 Logray - Return of the Jedi
44 Padmé Amidala - Attack of the Clones
45 Rancor - The Book of Boba Fett
46 General Grievous - Revenge of the Sith
47 Aayla Secura - Revenge of the Sith
48 Nute Gunray - Revenge of the Sith
49 Luke Skywalker - The Empire Strikes Back
50 Beaumont Kin - The Rise of Skywalker
51 Kit Fisto - Attack of the Clones
52 Dak Ralter - The Empire Strikes Back
53 Boss Nass - The Phantom Menace
54 Jabba The Hutt - A New Hope
55 Sy Snootles - Return of the Jedi
56 General Rieekan - The Empire Strikes Back
57 Dormé - Attack of the Clones
58 Tion Medon - Revenge of the Sith
59 R2-D2 - Revenge of the Sith
60 Jannah - The Rise of Skywalker
61 K-2S0 - Rogue One
62 Momaw Nadon - A New Hope
63 Bo-Katan Kryze - The Mandalorian
64 Princess Leia - Return of the Jedi
65 Zuckuss - The Empire Strikes Back
66 Eeth Koth - Attack of the Clones
67 Tobias Beckett - Solo
68 Yaddle - The Phantom Menace
69 Han Solo - The Empire Strikes Back
70 Jan Dodonna - A New Hope
71 Kaydel Connix - The Last Jedi
72 Mon Mothma - Revenge of the Sith
73 Luminara Unduli - Attack Of The Clones
74 Anakin Skywalker - The Phantom Menace
75 Bodhi Rook - Rogue One
76 Dryden Vos - Solo
77 Cassian Andor - Andor
78 Paige Tico - The Last Jedi
79 The Mandalorian - The Book of Boba Fett
80 Babu Frik - The Rise Of Skywalker
81 Cobb Vanth - The Book of Boba Fett
82 imperial Royal Guard - Return of the Jedi
83 Xi'an - The Mandalorian
84 Emperor Palpatine - Return Of The Jedi
85 Ponda Baba - A New Hope
86 Count Dooku - Revenge of the Sith
87 DJ - The Last Jedi
88 Max Rebo - The Book of Boba Fett
89 Yoda - Attack of the Clones
90 Jek Porkins - A New Hope
91 Poe Dameron - The Last Jedi
92 Bail Organa - Attack of the Clones
93 Nien Nunb - The Force Awakens
94 Chewbacca - The Empire Strikes Back
95 Ki-Adi-Mundi - The Phantom Menace
96 Supreme Leader Snoke - The Force Awakens
97 Plo Koon - The Phantom Menace
98 General Hux - The Force Awakens
99 Ahsoka Tano - The Book of Boba Fett
100 Jyn Erso - Rogue One



Base Animated Short Prints Set Checklist

25 cards. 1:12 boxes.
REFRACTOR PARALLELS: Red #/5 (1:381), SuperFractor 1/1 (1:1,840).


AS-1 Obi-Wan Kenobi
AS-2 R2-D2
AS-3 Rey
AS-4 Mace Windu
AS-5 Han Solo
AS-6 Padmé Amidala
AS-7 Poe Dameron
AS-8 Ahsoka Tano
AS-9 Chewbacca
AS-10 Yoda
AS-11 Chancellor Palpatine
AS-12 C-3PO
AS-13 Boba Fett
AS-14 Lando Calrissian
AS-15 Darth Maul
AS-16 Luke Skywalker
AS-17 Jar Jar Binks
AS-18 Anakin Skywalker
AS-19 Jabba The Hutt
AS-20 Qui-Gon Jinn
AS-21 Kylo Ren
AS-22 Darth Vader
AS-23 BB-8
AS-24 The Grand Inquisitor
AS-25 Grand Admiral Thrawn



2023 Topps Star Wars Chrome Black Autograph Checklist

Autographs Set Checklist

99 cards.
REFRACTOR PARALLELS: Green #/99 (1:9), Gold #/50 (1:15), Orange #/25 (1:21), Red #/5 (1:98), SuperFractor 1/1 (1:473).


A-AA Adria Arjona as Bix Caleen
A-AB Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks
A-AD Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
A-AH Alfred Hsing as Pyke Traveler
A-AP Alistair Petrie as General Draven
A-AS Andy Serkis as Kino Loy
A-BB Bernard Bullen as Father of the Mandalorian
A-BE Crispian Belfrage as Devastator Captain
A-BI Billie Lourd as Lieutenant Connix
A-BM Ben Mendelsohn as Director Krennic
A-BR Ralph Brown as Ric Olie
A-BR Zach Braff as Freck
A-CA Mark Capri as Officer M'Kae
A-CB Chris Bartlett as Zero
A-CH Dave Chapman as BB-8
A-CJ Carey Jones as Krrsantan
A-CL Emilia Clarke as Qi'Ra
A-CO Hermione Corfield as Tallie Lintra
A-CO Dan Considine as Deck Officer Densin Chord
A-CP Chad Parker as Padu Cherd
A-CW Corey Dee Williams as Klaatu
A-DA David Acord as FN-2199
A-DC Dustin Ceithamer as Ned-B
A-DE Indie Desroches as Corran
A-DR Daisy Ridley as Rey
A-ES Emily Swallow as The Armorer
A-FJ Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso
A-FM Faye Marsay as Vel Sartha
A-FO Oliver Ford Davies as Sio Bibble
A-FW Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera
A-GE Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon
A-GF Gabe Fonseca as Duke Kayo Organa
A-GH Guy Henry as Governor Tarkin
A-GL Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux
A-HA Harrison Davis as Pommet Warrick
A-HE Werner Herzog as The Client
A-HQ Hugh Quarshie as Captain Panaka
A-IF Isla Farris as Winta
A-II Ian Inigo as Cousin Niano Organa
A-IM Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine
A-IU Leilani Shiu as Jawa
A-IV Indira Varma as Tala Durith
A-IW Ian Whyte as Moroff
A-JA Joseph Altin as Pilot Vanik
A-JC Jake Cannavale as Toro Calican
A-JG Julian Glover as General Veers
A-JI Xavier Jimenez as Tusken Chief
A-JL John Leguizamo as Gor Koresh
A-KE Simone Kessell as Breha Organa
A-KK Katy Kartwheel as Rio Durant
A-KO Katy O'Brian as Elia Kane
A-KR Nalini Krishan as Barriss Offee
A-KT Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico
A-LA Michaela Cottrell as Even Piell
A-LNY Lupita Nyong'o as Maz Kanata
A-MA Murphy Patrick Martin as Drummer
A-MC Ryder McLaughlin as Wade Resselian
A-MD Mark Dodson as Salacious B. Crumb
A-MI Mike Edmonds as Logray
A-MM Molly Miller as Handmaiden Agira
A-MP Michael Pennington as Moff Jerjerrod
A-MQ Mike Quinn as Nien Nunb
A-MR Misty Rosas as Frog Lady
A-MV Mercedes Varnado as Koska Reeves
A-MW Ming-Na Wen as Fennec Shand
A-NK Nick Kellington as Klaud
A-NO Nick Nolte as Kuiil
A-NP Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala
A-OA Omid Abtahi as Dr. Pershing
A-OD Olivia d'Abo as Luminara Unduli
A-PA Chris Parsons as 4-LOM
A-PE Angelique Perrin as Adi Gallia
A-PK Paul Kasey as C'ai Threnalli
A-PL Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Captain Carson Teva
A-PW Paul Warren as Varmik
A-QI Ming Qiu as Minas Velti
A-RB Richard Brake as Valin Hess
A-RD Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka Tano
A-RG Richard E. Grant as General Pryde
A-RK Rya Kihlstedt as Fourth Sister
A-RO Rena Owen as Taun We
A-SA Benny Sadfie as Nari
A-SB Skyler Bible as Fixer
A-SH Kiran Shah as Neepers Panpick
A-SK Stellan Skarsgard as Luthen Rael
A-SKA Simon Kassianides as Axe Woves
A-SP Roberta Sparta as Duchess Celly Organa
A-SS Stephen Stanton as Admiral Raddus
A-SW Jecobi Swain as Jayco
A-TD Tim Dry as J'Quille
A-TH Heath McGough as Groff Ditcher
A-TM Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett
A-TW Taika Waititi as IG-11
A-VK Valene Kane as lyra Erso
A-VL Vivien Lyra Blair as Princess Leia Organa
A-VS Varada Sethu as Cinta Kaz
A-WD Warwick Davis as Wicket W. Warrick
A-WI Sam Witwer as Maul
A-YE Donnie Yen as Chirrut Îmwe

Dark Side All-Red Autographs Set Checklist

8 cards. Serial numbered. 1:246 boxes.

DS-AD Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
DS-BM Ben Mendelsohn as Director Orson Krennic
DS-GE Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon
DS-GL Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux
DS-IM Ian McDiarmid as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
DS-JG Julian Glover as General Veers
DS-MD Mark Dodson as Salacious B. Crumb
DS-TM Temuera Morrison as Jango Fett

Light-Side All-Blue Autographs Set Checklist

10 cards. Serial numbered. 1:229 boxes.

LS-AB Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks
LS-BL Billie Lourd as Lieutenant Connix
LS-BW Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
LS-DY Donnie Yen as Chirrut Îmwe
LS-FJ Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso
LS-KT Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico
LS-MQ Mike Quinn as Nien Nunb
LS-RD Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka Tano
LS-SR Daisy Ridley as Rey
LS-TR Tim Rose as Admiral Ackbar

2023 Topps Star Wars Chrome Black Insert Checklist


Fantastic Fights Set Checklist

25 cards. 1:4 boxes. 
REFRACTOR PARALLELS: Red #/5 (1:381), SuperFractor 1/1 (1:1,840).
FF-1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Vs. Darth Maul
FF-2 Qui-Gon Jinn Vs. Darth Maul
FF-3 Mace Windu Vs. Jango Fett
FF-4 Yoda Vs. Count Dooku
FF-5 Anakin Skywalker Vs. Count Dooku
FF-6 Obi-Wan Kenobi Vs. Count Dooku
FF-7 Obi-Wan Kenobi Vs. General Grievous
FF-8 Mace Windu Vs. Palpatine
FF-9 Obi-Wan Kenobi Vs. Anakin Skywalker
FF-10 Yoda Vs. Darth Sidious
FF-11 Obi-Wan Kenobi Vs. Anakin Skywalker
FF-12 Obi-Wan Kenobi Vs. Darth Vader
FF-13 Luke Skywalker Vs. Darth Vader
FF-14 Luke Skywalker Vs. Darth Vader
FF-15 Ahsoka Tano Vs. Magistrate Morgan Elsbeth
FF-16 The Mandalorian Vs. Moff Gideon
FF-17 Rey Vs. Kylo Ren
FF-18 Rey Vs. The Praetorian Guards
FF-19 Kylo Ren Vs. The Praetorian Guards
FF-20 Luke Skywalker Vs. Kylo Ren
FF-21 Finn Vs. Kylo Ren
FF-22 Rey Vs. Palpatine
FF-23 Boba Fett Vs. Cad Bane
FF-24 Darth Vader Vs. Reva
FF-25 Din Djarin Vs. Paz Viszla

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